Sieranevada by Cristi Puiu CREDITSDIRECTORCristi PuiuSCRIPT WRITERCristi PuiuSOUNDSOUND ENGINEERJean Paul BernardSOUND EDITINGFilip MuresanSOUND MIXINGAtanas Giorgiev & Christophe VingtrinierCAMERABarbu BalasoiuEDITINGLetitia Stef?nescu & Ciprian CimpoiCASTLary …
Sieranevada by Cristi Puiu Sieranevada — The Starting Point Brimming with enthusiasm and great innocence, we embark upon our journey of life eagerly relishing the…
Sieranevada by Cristi Puiu Three days after the terrorist attack of the officies of Parisian weekly Charlie Hebdo and forty days after the death of…